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  • Q&A with Support Line Nurse



    29 replies

    Hello everyone,    

    Sunday 12th May marks International Nurses Day.   

    On Monday, 13th May between 11am-12pm our wonderful Specialist Palliative Care and Support Line Nurse, Jan will be here on our Online Community to share information about our nursing services and answer any questions you may have.  

    Whether you have questions on managing day-to-day care, want to understand symptoms of treatment, are looking for financial information or just need a friendly ear – we're here to listen and help. 

    If you have any questions you would like to ask Jan, please comment below or send them to us via private message.   

    We look forward to chatting with you on Monday.     

    See you there,  

    Marie Curie Online Community Team  

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  • Jan1

    Hello everyone,

    my name is Jan, and I am a Specialist Palliative Care Nurse.

     I am  clinical support on the Marie Curie Information and Support Line and nurse support for the Well Being & Support Hub here in the hospice, where I have worked for the last 22 years.

    I am looking forward to next Mondays Question and Answer session with our online community.

    Best wishes


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  • admin

    Hello everyone, thank you for joining us this morning. 

    We’ll shortly be joined by our Information and Support Nurse, Jan. 

    Please post any questions you may have below. 

    The live event will begin at 11am.

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  • Jan1

    Hello everyone, 

    thank you for having me today.

     I am looking forward to linking up with member's of our Online Community and answering your questions.


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  • admin

    Thank you for joining us today Jan, it’s great to have you here. Welcome to our Online Community. 

    I thought we’d start by asking you what your role on the Support Line involves?

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  • Jan1

    Edited by admin 4 months ago

    As an Information and Support Nurse I handle calls from people affected by terminal illness. I provide a safe space for the caller to share their story and feel really listened to. I share information and ensure important conversations are heard by the right healthcare professionals and signpost accordingly. This can include practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life. 

    In addition, healthcare professionals are also most welcome to call to access information. 

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