MAZL 6 years ago
Hi girls.
We have all been silent for a while and I was wondering how you were. Another Christmas and birthday have passed and I still miss my lovely Bill. I know I always will but now I am remembering good times rather than bad. My daughter and family moved back up her in January so life has been a bit hectic as they stayed with me in various permutations for a month which had my head spinning!! They are now in their own house so things have calmed down! I will look after my little granddaughter one day a week until she starts school in September. I'm looking forward to the better weather when we can get in to the garden together. The sadness of the situation is that Bill would have loved having them close. The little one still tells me she misses grandpa but has accepted that he will not be coming back.
I hope you are beginning to find your feet, it is so difficult getting to grips with all the annual admin on top of the emotions that keep rearing their ugly heads. I feel that I have sorted everything then have to start all over again. Just life I suppose.
Take care.