Polpatt 7 years ago
Hello Girls, it’s always comforting to hear from you. I do try o keep busy particularly on Anniversary days, and It works, but at some stage you are on your own with your thoughts. Today was difficult, I had the funeral of my cousin, whom I had been helping to look after while she was at home. She had no family to speak of except a nephew who lived 150 miles away, but he was very close to his aunt, and visited her at least a couple of times a week. She must have been so lonely living on her own, so I thank God for my wonderful family who help me so much. It was hard to have another funeral so soon after Philips but that’s life’s cycle I suppose. I hope you are over your wobble Carol, they do creep up on you don’t they. I know what you mean about having to take over tasks that were always done for us, it’s hard. I have always handled matters financial, so that wasn’t too much of a hassle, but it’s the practical things that Imfind hard, silly things like changing those fiddly little bulb things in cabinet lights, cleaning my own boots and shoes, painting the outside sheds, garden furniture etc. And many more things that Philip did around the house and garden. I’m getting there slowly, but I’ve got Christmas, swiftly followed by my birthday to come, come, which reminds me, who will put up the Christmas tree? Love and mutual support my friends, Pauline xx