marilenad27 8 years ago
1 reply
Hello everyone I need your help.
Mum has terminal pancreatic cancer. Treatment didn't work so she has been handed to the palliative care team at the hospital, where she has been since falling ill post chemo. She has weeks to 3 months tops to live.
The hospital team is pushing a nursing home which doesn't seem right to me. Is it not better to go as an in patient to the hospice? I understand these are not long term solutions but she only has a couple of months to live and a hospice to me seems much better than a nursing home.
I have asked this question to the palliative team and their response has been that if mum goes to the hospice as an in patient, they will probably discharge her if she is stable. So she can truly be admitted there if in her last few weeks.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Thank you