ovarian cancer stage4
My mum is in last stages. How long is she likely to have left ....
My mum is in last stages. How long is she likely to have left ....
I was diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago -4b Thymoma was removed but cancer is still there. It’s chemo resistant. Anyone else got this! It would be nice to talk to someone in the same boat. ....
mum was diagnosed 12 months ago and prognosis 15 months - getting progressively worse and wishses to be cared for at homethe macmillan nurse trying so hard to get pain meds right but most of time mum hallucinating confused falling- needs someone with herday and nights but boy is she ....
Hi My dad has been unwell for the last 14 years with a rare kidney & blood disease. He went for a monitor to be fitted as prep for having his heart restarted as it's irregular. They scanned him & found a tear in his aorta a leaking valve & ....
Hi all,Not done anything like this before, but I just needed to reach out anonymously.My Father was diagnosed with IPF a few years back and he's only got a short time left.I am a Police Officer and my job is to help people in need and I feel absolutely rubbish ....
Please does anyone know about prion disease and how to cope with it in practical way? ....
Hi I don't know why I have joined really, just seem to be having a bad week. My husband has copd and heart problems, and has been ill for nearly 14years now but we both realise that he is at end stage now, he is on oxygen has been for ....
Im finding it so hard to deal with my mums illness, i feel so angry, devastated alone even though i have a husband. He doesnt understand when im quiet and need to be alone with my thoughts. He gets angry and annoyed at me and i know that im not ....
I don't even know where to start as there is so much to say. I guess top of the list is how does someone cope when they know death is going to come sooner rather than later? My mum has stage 4 glioblastoma and has had the op at Christmas ....
hello everyone, my nan is coming to the end of her dementia journey after 7 years and i'm struggling to cope with all the emotions of getting the call and being at her bedside, i saw her last night and it was so upsetting, i'm feeling selfish cos it should ....
There are a range of ways we can help you, from clear, useful information about living with a terminal illness to expert nursing care in your home.