JMIR 8 years ago
2 replies
Edited by JMIR 8 years ago
My dad has been unwell for the last 14 years with a rare kidney & blood disease. He went for a monitor to be fitted as prep for having his heart restarted as it's irregular. They scanned him & found a tear in his aorta a leaking valve & arterial tears to his brain back & legs. He was due to be operated on but as the survival was so slim everyone agreed as did he to come home. They couldn't give an estimate of how long he has but that when he does go it will be instant. I am 5 months pregnant & finding it hard to accept he may not see my child. I am very close to him and we are a close family. I'm struggling to come to terms that one day that will be it & if that's before my baby is born how I will react and to be honest scared not just loosing dad but also my baby. Has anyone been in a similar situation?