kath 8 years ago
1 reply
Hi I don't know why I have joined really, just seem to be having a bad week. My husband has copd and heart problems, and has been ill for nearly 14years now but we both realise that he is at end stage now, he is on oxygen has been for nearly 2 years now, but he is having really bad stomach pains has been for 18 months now and doctors don't seem to want to help, said the medication has messed his stomach up, he is constantly taking laxatives but the pain just doesn't go away and its not helping his breathing either, his has numbness in his legs and has fallen once. He did have a pic line in his arm but they decided to take this out a couple of weeks ago so not sure what will happen now if he has an infection as his veins close down so wont be able to take blood or get iv's into him. I seem to be watching him slowly die in front of me and don't know what to do for him, he is in pain with his stomach and is having really bad turns with his breathing, it so hard watching him and not being able just to help him and no ones seem to want to help. Kath