janetg 5 years ago
lol, Clare - and my resources were sorely tested again today. Some of it trivial: including beating up Royal Mail AND TV licensing over a silly address cock-up; chasing my various disputes with the hospital; talking to all sorts of people and getting a teensy bit of sense from 1 or 2 of them (and garbage from the rest.) Topped off by delivery of the wrong chainsaw; and then when Fed Ex turned up to pick it up, it's bar codes weren't right so I am tripping over it. And THEN searching for jump leads for a member of staff's car, failing: the only good thing I ound while looking for jumper leads was a store of vintage wine and port - some worth £50 a bottle, lol. That WAS a find! Everyone has their own lot of headaches and worries - even a member of my staff who has an autistic lad in his final year of school. They've closed - he's lost all the end of year pleasures, and she can't get anywhere else to take him. It seems that every time we clear a hurdle another looms up to put us in peril. At least I've managed to book a taxi to take me to Worcester and bring me back - even managed to beat them down from 1st quote (£135) to a slightly moe rational £85.00!! I'm very lucky that money isn't a problem - but if I could buy some luck, I'd spend a year's income on it happily. Thank you for letting me vent - I've now moved up a gear!