Daffodil 3 days ago
0 replies
Hello all,
I* have recently been thinking about public days of remembrance, commemoration, or other significance to the bereaved community. In mainland Europe these often concentrate on autumn/November, quite separate from the holiday period afterwards, and I have not found much meaning for myself in them.
But there are other days - whether official or not - that I like to take as an invitation to pause, feel, think, and remember, for example Marie Curie's Day of Reflection during the height of the daffodil season.
So I would like to know: are there any days in the calendar, in the UK or imported by you from abroad, public or personal, that give you time to reflect and some solace? I really look forward to hearing about your experiences!
Take care,
💛 Anke, a member of the Marie Curie Online Community Team
* I am a relatively new volunteer with an international background (see my introduction if you like).