ScottishLass 3 years ago
3 replies
My mum died at the beginning of July after a long illness. Although we knew it would get to a point when she wouldn't recover, I wasn't ready for her to go. My siblings and I were with mum every day for her last 2 weeks, and were with her when she passed. The images I have in my head from the last couple of days in particular just won't go away and they're so upsetting. I'm back at work and trying to get on with day-to-day life, but sometimes I get very sad. My partner thinks that, as mum had been ill for a while and was very elderly (she was 91) I shouldn't be sad all the time as it was "a blessing" in the end. He says it's OK for me to miss my mum, but I should try to focus on happy memories and stop dwelling on her illness and how she was in her final days. But although I look at old photos and remember happy times, I can't stop thinking about mum at the end and that makes me so very sad. Surely after only a month, its OK to feel sad?