Support 7 years ago
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Edited by Support 7 years ago
We just wanted to take the time to thank
everybody who has contributed to our Community for doing so, and to share some
tips on coping over the Christmas period.
Please be kind to yourself, whether you or a family member
are living with a terminal illness.
Try not to put too much pressure on yourselves to
have a perfect Christmas day. Take it gently, and do as much or as little that
feels right for you and your family.
Schedule rest and quiet periods into the days to
give you chance to rest and to focus on yourself.
Keep a list nearby of any emergency contact details
that you may need just in case.
For those that are grieving, it is important to
recognise that Christmas will be different and may be difficult. There are no
right or wrongs, it’s okay to grieve and feel sad, but it’s also okay to enjoy
yourself and feel happy. Below are some ideas that people have shared with us
over the year that helped them.
Have a plan in place but allow that plan to be flexible to
meet your needs.
Perhaps try to find a way to remember your loved
one that has died. Maybe you could light a candle, set a place at the dinner
table, raise a glass to them.
Schedule in some private time to reflect. You could
write in a journal, take a walk or just sit with a cup of tea.
We are sure that many of you will have other
ideas or thoughts on how to manage over the next few days. Please feel free to
share them with us.
Our Support Line team will be here every day
over the Christmas period if you need a listening ear. You can reach us on
Freephone 0800 090 2309 and see details of our opening times here:
Lastly, we would like to wish each and every one of you a peaceful Christmas.
Take Care,
Marie Curie Support Line Team