Piousuk 7 years ago
1 reply
Hi My step dad passed 10 days ago and I am feeling a mix of slight anger and that non of it is real. I haven’t cried even when my mother is breaking her heart to me. He was a wonderful partner to my mum for 20+ years and is very popular in the local community. I assisted as best I could in his care at home. At times it was frustrating with the lack of assistance my mother received but my parents were also very proud and we suspect put off a lot of help offered. He began to fall frequently over a 10 day period and suddenly went into a deep sleep and then peacefully died 4 days later at home in his bed with family around him. During the final 2 weeks Marie curie were incredible and made the whole process comforting. This is the closest experience I’ve had to death since very young and I’m now in my late 30s. I just feel nothing, the funeral isn’t for another week and I’m concerned I will explode with emotion then or just continue to be numb. I feel guilty about this; we viewed his body yesterday and I comforted my mother but did not express and emotion. In fact I was waiting for him to open his eyes and shout booo!! This last week I feel constant chest pains and this is proving stressful as I had a heart attack & surgery 9 weeks ago. Any advice etc would be gratefully accepted. Wishing all of you the best Garry.