TheHodCarrier 10 years ago
Edited by TheHodCarrier 10 years ago
Hi Chel15
'I just don't know how we can all bounce back again its like we are robots just dong the daily chores, I miss them so much it psychically hurts.'
I don't have an answer to this - I see earlier posters have made some suggestions - but we are definitely NOT robots. It affects most people when a loved-one dies, and losing 2 loved ones is obviously worse. I'm not sure, myself, whether you should try to force yourself out of what you described - what I would call 'a deeply numbed state following bereavement' or whether you should just wait until something improves. I don't think that most people ever get back to 'where they were before' but I think that most people will 'get to somewhere 'a bit more normal'' over time, although that could be a couple of years or more.
I don't think it is unusual to be deeply affected by death, and I'm not sure that trying to be 'falsely positive' is a good thing - it is not a nice thing to go through, when someone you deeply care about dies,
Best wishes, Mike