Essex1 7 years ago
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Edited by Essex1 7 years ago
NMy dad was diagnosed with prostrate cancer two years a go he is 85 now and he was treated with hormone therapy. This went on OK until January of this year when he started to struggle. It ended up with his count rising very quickly then he was told it was progressing rapidly. He became quite ill and ended up with a catheter as he could not pee himself. He was told that this was now terminal and admitted to a hospice. He was there for two weeks where they stabilised his pain relief as he had been near to paint out and falling over. The new problem was he could not pass stools so he was given enimers and stuff to give him diarrhoea so he could go. He was told it had spread to his bones specifically his pelvis describing it like holes in cheese. It is now a tuner in his rectrum and has spread to his liver. He fell and ended up in hospital where he is currently. He has been told in order to go home he needs careers Marie curie pathway has been mentioned but that is it my mum is 83 and does not know what this means and I am 300 miles away so am not with her to ask. She is petrified of him coming home as she had a stroke and has a Grammy hand and cannot cope if he falls or with his. Meds . He is completely cognitive and wants to be home and is demanding she sorts this. She struggles to hear and I think she doesn't get to see the doctors so is rely on what dad tells her. What does this care look like and how can she move this on as she cannot cope with dad being cantankerous with her as it appears to be out of her control. They won't let him home without the care in place. Any comments welcome I feel so useless but have to work I travel home as often as I can but it never seems to be the right time I go home he does well and when I am far away again it all goes bad. My dad is frightened and wants to be home and my mum wants him there but is frightened that he cannot cope and give him the care he needs. Desperate for some ideas