Jenster78 1 year ago
5 replies
Edited by Jenster78 1 year ago
Mum has struggled to accept her prognosis and it's affecting her mental health and quality of life (and our quality time with her) She has AML non curable and was offered management chemo for extra time.
In December 23 after 1 round of chemo we were told by her consultant it wasn't working and she had the worst genetic mutation TP53 and she only had a few months.
Shes since has 3 more rounds (mums decsion as consultant wanted to stop) 3 lots of neutropenic sepsis and is still with us.
A decision has been made to stop chemo and medics now say realistically she won't live longer than 6 months.
I feel like we are given hope one minite and bad news the next.
For Mum it must feel like the diagnosis all over again and for us we want to spend as much time as possible with her but we have jobs, homes and families too. How can we juggle it all especially when she wont accept carers and CHC funding cant be applied for as "not at that stage" what even is that stage?
She gets very low mood and pushes people away.
Shes started getting angry with us for caring.
How do people cope with all this as well as try carry on with normal lives