supportann 9 years ago
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Hi can any one help me make a decision I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and have been offered surgery this will be major surgery has cancer is affecting my bowel bladder and upper stomach and above the spleen I will probably need 2 bags 1 for bowel and bladder then I will need chemotherapy they have told me the cancer will come back but dont know how long i would have 10 years or 1 year they dont know i would be lying if I said im not scared im terrified but having seen a friend die of bowel cancer it makes me feel is it worth it. At this moment I am pain free and I am living a full normal life if I dont have surgery I still dont know how long ive got but I want to die with dignity and do what will give me the best quality of life for whatever time I have left.for all of you out there who have gone through it was it worth it