Breanne 7 years ago
6 replies
Hello. Thank you for accepting me to the group. My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer before Christmas. So far we have been for so many tests and are finally getting to a point where chemo may be starting hoping to shrink his tumour with an idea of following up with either a partial or total gastrectomy. Our problem is that we talk to so many people concerning his inability to eat, it’s not every day but today, again he’s kept nothing down. He had a call from a dietitian who doesn’t know him and the advice is always the same.....soft food or soup and these are often the things that he can’t eat. We are so tired and it’s beginning to impact on our ability to talk to each other, feel like I don’t know what to do anymore, I just want to keep his strength up to face this chem. Thank you for reading this, I could do with some help. Anne