Star 8 years ago
1 reply
My sister is dying from cancer. She is in the last stages, I feel so helpless. She has lost all power of speech and is sleeping long hours. I live a couple of hours drive away but try to be with her as much as possible. Her husband is remarkable and also her two daughters. However, she is going into a hospice tomorrow because it is becoming too difficult to manage her whilst maintaining her dignity. I feel so guilty because I know she wanted to die at home. It is unfair of me to voice this to her family at such a heart rendering time. I' m sure they know her wishes anyway and all they want is the best for her. Will my sister be able to hear me talking to her when she is unconscious? I just need her to know how much she is loved and to thank her for always being my rock. Thank you for reading this. It's my very first attempt at exposing my anxiety but felt joining you all might take some of the worries away.