Maab 6 years ago
1 reply
My friend has gone for chemotherapy in treating cervical cancer, now is discharged from hospital. She is so weak, she cannot walk! How can we help her? She looks depressed and hopeless.
Maab 6 years ago
1 reply
My friend has gone for chemotherapy in treating cervical cancer, now is discharged from hospital. She is so weak, she cannot walk! How can we help her? She looks depressed and hopeless.
Samantha 6 years ago
Hello Maab,
We’re sorry to read about your friend’s illness and all that she’s going
Receiving treatment for an illness, whether it’s aim is to try and treat
or cure the illness, or for palliative reasons to ease symptoms for example,
can be a lot for a person to experience.
You mention that you feel your friend may be depressed, have you tried
to talk with her about how she’s feeling? It can be normal for people to cope
with an illness in different ways but often talking openly and honestly if they feel comfortable to do so, can
help someone to begin to understand their emotions and reach out for support if
they feel they would like to.
Some people prefer to talk to a friend or family member, others may
prefer it to be a professional and there are those that would prefer to talk to
someone they are not familiar with such as a Support Line like ourselves. Here
at Marie Curie, we support anyone affected by a terminal illness and if you or
your friend would like to talk about anything we’re here to listen on Freephone 0800 090 2309.
We’re also aware of specialist charities that offer direct support to those
living with cervical cancer. In case they are of interest to you or your
friend, I have listed them below:
· - Jo’s cervical cancer trust
· - Eve appeal
If you’re concerned at all about your friend’s physical needs, you may
wish to suggest for her to speak to the team who are providing her treatment, or
a healthcare professional involved in her care to discuss this. They would be
able to suggest suitable support services and provide information that may be able
to help with her needs.
Take care,
Sam – Support Line Team