Nemo420 6 years ago
1 reply
Edited by Nemo420 6 years ago
My mum died after lenghty illness combined with strokes,Dementia and Parkinson end of Nov 2018. A difficult festive season that seems more like a blur now. Found out recently my absent dad died one month earlier. Yet to process. Nearest family is 40 miles away, my twin sister with her hubby and 3 years son. I have no kids, not by choice, disenfranchised grief too, no partner, I'm long twem ill, unable to work and have few friends that I'm not comfortable reaching out to. That wasn't meant to have pitynot just saying the facts. The friends I have left seem strained or it could be me. Feel so disconnected/detached and negative.
Didn't have the typical mum & daughter relationship due her being phyiscally and mentally unwell throughout my life. This Mothering Sunday is my/our first without her whilst I acknowledge my childless too.
Wondering how to best self care that day & night? Welcome offers of suggestions?
My sister and her family hope to spend time with me on that day yet its bitter sweet personally. Notice my well being is affected after spending time with them. Aware I need a see a therapist about this and multiple losses on many levels in the pass 5-10years plus.
Just wish to my have sense of humour back too whilst greiving.