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  • Loss of Husband



    1 reply

    Hi I am new.I lost my husband on June 16th 2016 to Cancer .He was diagnosed in 2010 and fought for 5 long years it finally went to his brain and was told it was terminal.The last stages of his life were devastating Watching someone turn into this poor pitiful man always in pain and just waiting for it all to be over was heartbreaking and after I just couldn't cope I felt as though I had died with him.We had almost 45 years of marriage and I am finding it so hard coping without him.He was my soulmate,partner ,best friend and  lover and now I am completely on my own. the thought of spending the rest of my life without him fills me with dread. If anyone knows how you cope please give me some help !!

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  • Support

    Edited by Support 7 years ago

    Hi Stella,


    I am sorry to read about the death of your husband last year and how hard you are finding it without your soul mate and partner. Many people talk to us here at the Support Line about how they struggle to make sense of the new world without their partner. When you have spent such a large part of your life living with somebody else, considering their needs and making decisions together it can take some time to adjust to doing this independently. We have some information on our website that may have some ideas you haven’t considered:


    Have you spoken to your GP, family or friends about how you are feeling? Talking about our feelings can help us to process them. For some people bereavement counselling can be beneficial and you can find details of organisations which provide this here:


    Whilst we are not qualified therapists here at the Support Line you are very welcome to make contact with ourselves if you would like to talk about your thoughts and feelings.  You can call our Freephone Support Line on 0800 090 2309, or drop us a line via Web Chat:

    Best Wishes



    Marie Curie Support Line

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