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  • Losing a parent young



    1 reply

    Hi I’m new I lost my mum last week. I knew her days were limited and she was suffering so I feel a sort of relief she is not longer in pain . However I feel so empty knowing I have no family left it was always just me and her. She was my biggest supporter and I just can’t imagine living life without her. The thought of birthdays Christmas my future wedding all these special occasions without my mum wont feel real. Being only 22 I feel very alone and overwhelmed.

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  • Alexia

    Hello Gemmam1602,

    We are sorry to read about the loss of your mum. Your feelings and emotions are completely understandable.

    I am going to share some information with you about grief support from our website.

    How to get support for grief and bereavement when someone dies (


    I am also sharing a link to a charity that helps support people ages 12-25 that you may wish to look at Hope Again


    If you would like to speak to us on the support line, then we are here to offer a listening ear and emotional support. Our number is Freephone 0800 090 2309 and of course there is this community. We do hope others will be along to share their experiences too.

    Take care,

    Alexia-Support Line Officer

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