HilaryB 11 years ago
4 replies
One of the most tricky and time consuming things is making sure that everyone who wants/needs to know how your loved one is, is kept in the picture. I set up a group email for this purpose, starting with just half a dozen people, ending up with around 70.
It had huge advantages - we could tell everyone, simultaneously, what was happening. This left little room for individual interpretation or Chinese whispering. I was able to use it to ask people not to ring or just drop in, but to text or email first.
Everyone seemed to want a piece of the action, which is understandable, but
both emotionally and physically draining for the patient. As a carer you end up being "gatekeeper" for your loved one, filtering visitors and messages, and it can be hard to tactfully manage this. An email or blog at least reduces this problem.