Summer68 8 years ago
1 reply
Hi, my Mum has been on a long battle with melanoma (3 years) and she also has a lung cancer. She’s had immune therapy, which caused all her melanoma tumours to shrink and halved her lung cancer. But before we’d even had time to celebrate, it mutated and came back. We have now been told, short of a miracle, she had weeks left to live. Mum is in denial and I find myself going in and out of denial. I find the reality overwhelming, and I know that’s how Mum feels. I want to take care of her, but she sees this as a sign that all is not well and panics at any suggestion of help. She’s feeling sick quite a lot and is out of breath, but she’s still managing to get out and about she doesn’t give in to illness, never has done and battles on. I’ve started to cook a few evening meals for her as she has no appetite, but eats what I cook. My brother thinks it is too soon to offer more support, but my mums bst friend thinks I should move in! My mum won’t ask or admit she needs help. Any suggestions?