WelshKC 7 years ago
1 reply
Hello everybody.
I have just discovered this community after browsing the internet. Short story is my mother in law has inoperable stomach cancer t4 which was diagnosed in july last year. She had chemo which finished in November last year and it showed her 2 stomach tumours had shrunk, recently she's had another scan and has been experiencing heartburn, froth and the inability to eat again. The scan showed the cancer has grown and now has spread through her lymph nodes, so she is due to start weekly chemo over 3 weeks then a break for a week over the next 18 weeks. We understand that her treatment is palliative only and we've been told it's to try and control her cancer to give her more time. She herself does not know this as she told her doctor she didn't want to know details, but gave her permission so we could know what's happening.
I'm sure I've posted this in the wrong section so if someone could point me in the right direction I'd be very greatful. My family are coping but it'd be good to talk to others in a similar situation.
Thankyou for reading xx