peterb32 11 years ago
8 replies
Nothing prepared me for caring for my wife who was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumour
. I am happy to share my experience with anyone in a similar unfortunate position.peterb32 11 years ago
8 replies
Nothing prepared me for caring for my wife who was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumour
. I am happy to share my experience with anyone in a similar unfortunate position.Jean10 11 years ago
Hi, my husband also had a glioblastoma, such a devastating illness. I too would be happy to offer support if needed.
Sjm142 10 years ago
Hi My 39y old husband has giloblastoma grade 4 He had two surgeries but I was told last week he has months left to live I'm just devastated We have a 3y old daughter I'm struggling to know how to care for him and what are the right decisions to make
Corich 10 years ago
Hi, this is my first post and not sure if I'm in the right place?! I was diagnosed with a GBM4 in 2012 and underwent radio and chemotherapy which was successful in shrinking the tumour and I was in a state of remission for 18 months. Tumour started growing again this year so chemo started again but isn't affecting the tumour. I had surgery in August to Debulk the lesion and I see my oncologist later today to discuss the treatment plan moving forward. I'm 31 and have a 3 year old daughter. I'm finding that I'm struggling emotionally much more with recovery and getting on this time round and am looking for a little real advice from people who are experiencing a similar situation. That seems a bit of a ramble, sorry! Best wishes to all affected Corinne
MarkWilkin 10 years ago
Hi Corich, we mainly deal with terminal illnesses on this community so if talking about that would be helpful here is definitely the place to post.
You can also have a read of our information on Living with a terminal illness in our help pages which cover a wide variety of subjects.
Also if it would be helpful to talk to someone directly
our Support Line is on 0800 090 2309 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).Hope that helps.
DKKOSK 9 years ago
[quote]Hi My 39y old husband has giloblastoma grade 4 He had two surgeries but I was told last week he has months left to live I'm just devastated We have a 3y old daughter I'm struggling to know how to care for him and what are the right decisions to make [/quote]