Khandarohi 1 year ago
Edited by Khandarohi 1 year ago
A very common problem when you are dying is that people pull at you.
You get into a tranquil safe space of acceptances, peace & even joy. Then people are pulling you out of that in ways such as:
Taking your blood pressure.
Asking you to try extreme medical treatments
Asking you to try alternative therapies
Asking for updates
Asking for meetings
Asking for phone contact
T rying to put a cheerful story into your head and remove your current thoughts which are working very well
Asking you to fight and saying you are wrong to go palliative
Wanting to "be there" every day
Trying to wake you so they can tell you something
Wanting to offload and do an outpouring
Insisting there is a small chance of improvement and so to spend the rest of your days fighting & being subjected to chaos eg having tubes rammed down your throats & life support machines instead of preparing for a spiritual transition & letting go & enjoying the transition.
One strategy that can help is to have a primary person who everyone goes to for updates that is not you.
Another is to make a written document that states your wishes, limits, boundaries and what you do not consent to. If you just say it verbally people might forget amidst all the powerful feelings of loss & trauma they are going through but if it is a written document they can keep it and read it repeatedly.
Another idea is formulating a care plan.
The most important is to tell people you are the boss not them. And demand that they promise to abide by your wishes.