Practical matters
Share information and support on practical problems, legal and money matters as well as benefits.
Last post Mum palliative but no prognosis
Hi I am new to this forum and the situation I am in. My loved one has got a terminal illness and was told he has a few months to live, which is heartbreaking for me. I think he really struggles with his prognosis, and often talks about things we ....
Hi All, We understand that caring for someone who is living with terminal illness may mean that you are worried about either them or you getting ....
Hi everyone!I'm looking for some advice on support available towards end of life. I have been caring for my Dad since he was diagnosed with terminal Small Cell Lung Cancer in December 2018. I live in Australia and was in the UK for a family visit when he received his ....
Hey I'm very new to this. Honestly I don't even know where to start. My dad was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer the end of January, last week we were told he only had roughly 2 months left. He has gone down hill so quickly. He has always said he ....
HiI'm new to carer's corner and just having a bad start to the day. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and secondary brain metastases in December 2018. He's had chemo/immuno therapy for the last 13 months but the illness is progressing and in December last was given ....
New to all this and really struggling to cope... I feel like I'm dying inside never any time its like something is round my neck and I can't get air. ....
My mother inlaw is about to pass away and i just dont no what to do and how to copeHas anyone else been through this.I havent stopped crying since monday and its really taking its toll on my husband and father inlaw.It bascially has been us all the way.liz ....
No ....
Hi, I think I am going mad, my partner told me she had been diganosed with Terminal Lung cancer, 18 months ago but “due to depression” dose not want me to come to any of her appointments.. Iv never seen any Drs letters Never seen any medication.. How do I ....
Hi, my hubby has been diagnosed with a glioblastoma in January. It has come as a total shock as he was a hands on active man. He is a shadow of his former self & although I try to be upbeat & positive as far as possible, it is a ....